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Saturday, April 9, 2011

Chapter 8 Highlights-3 Facts Learned

Assignment 6 After reading Chapter 8 (Wireless Networking), post 3 facts learned.

Fact1. A wireless local area network (WLAN) is the most common type of wireless network, and the 4 most common network standards are 802.11a, 802.11b, 802.11g, and 802.11n.

Fact 2. Wireless mesh networks are used to extend the range of Wi-Fi hot spots. I have just leaned how to use mesh-up in regards to Social Media and it is very powerful there so I imagine it works like 3^3 not 3+3 or 3*3.

Fact 3. Wireless security is very important especially depending on what kind of information is stored on a mobile device or that is being transferred. If I was doing online banking or communicating classified information there would be a reason to have the most secure connection possible, but since I have decided that I will do those things in person I am not worried about it now.However,  I did learn how  take a few simple steps to protect most mobile devices in my domains.
  1. Change default login and password of router.
  2. Change default SSID.
  3. Use MAC addresses.
  4. Turn on MAC filtering.
  5. If using WEP, change Passphrase often.
  6. Make sure all devices are connected before step 7.
  7. Disable the SSID of the router.
  8. Turn it off when not in use for a while.

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